Wednesday, October 10, 2012


From The Daily Writer. This is a long term assignment about revision.  Not where I need to be.

I have 16 pages/4200 words of Ivan written at this time. Every time I put him down I have a hard time taking him back up again. I have to write EVERY SINGLE MORNING in order ot have more productive days. My consistency rate is not where I want it to be at the moment.

But it's not just Ivan I'm struggling with; I am having a hard time buckling down to everything today. I'm frustrated at how much work I have to do and how far behind I am in all the pockets of my life, but I'm having a difficult time focusing on making those things right. I know what to do next on Ivan -- it's part revision (moving that bit of the story out of the first draft into its proper place in the current draft) and then walk him down the street while he talks to Rasputin. I need to get them to reveal themselves to one another and to move them along 1917 London, which I don't know nearly well enough, until they get down to Nell and the East End. And somehow Rasputin has to make Ivan angry enough, and be unusable enough, to make Ivan OK with killing Rasputin. But before that happens I have to raise the stakes some... This is tricky. Sigh.

Well, the good news is how much I got done, and that figuring out the next bits is just a matter of buckling down. But I also have to deal with the IndieGoGo bit, Duncan's recipe book, my regular blog post, order my business cards (yikes!!) put together my work binder so I'm a little better organized, update the WOM financials... I wasn't kidding when I said I can be fit & thin OR I can be productive but probably not both. I actually had the alarm set for 6:00 this morning, and my clothes set out and everything, and then I was too soundly asleep to get up. Crazy dreams I've been having...

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