Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Treadmill Journal for September 25, 2012

Have 3300 words typed in. It's rougher than I realized; the whole time I was typing it in I was alternating between "Oh, that's pretty good" and "Oh, that's pretty rough."

So here's the plan for tomorrow: Fill it in the rest of the way, or as much as possible. I'm looking to triple it, roughly. The tricky thing will be figuring out how much explanation about Rasputin and Ivan to put in, and how much to just let them be themselves and hope it all fleshes out in the serial.

Also, need to play up Ivan's desire to return to Russia and Rasputin's skepticism about every single blasted thing Ivan has said (also how completely exasperated Ivan is with him).

There are LOTS of plot holes at the moment, those need to be healed up and I need to have the outline hanging right over my monitor while I work so I don't open up any new ones.

So: Aim for 1500 words tomorrow. All new ones. Rough is fine. But still try to keep the level high.

Also I need to spend a couple of hours on my blog tomorrow. Somehow. It will be a less active day, I guess.

And good night!!

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be plugging right along. My biggest struggle with writing, is not editing while I write. I think my last total was about 5,000, but I've been working on starting my small business lately, so writing has kind of taken a back burner. Have you ever done NaNoWriMo before? I was thinking about doing my own in October since I've already started my novel. :)


